CV – K. Vennemann

Work Experience
since 1/07 Terra GIS LTD, Seattle, WA – USA
  Principal and GIS Analyst. Terra GIS provides services in cartography, data processing, spatial analysis, spatial databases, GIS programming, web mapping, GIS training and environmental consulting. Our main focus is on maps and services in environmental and conservation GIS, spatial analysis, scientific research and sustainable development.
8/05 – 12/06 CommEn Space (The Community & Environment Spatial Analysis Center), Seattle, WA – USA
  GIS Analyst and project manager. Primary tasks included cartography and GIS analysis (e.g. for conservation planning and prioritization), coding of scripts for desktop use (VB and Arc Objects) and development of web-mapping applications (e.g. database access for web mapping applications), and project management. Provided ongoing technical support to other GIS staff and researched newest technologies to advance CommEn Space’s GIS knowledge and resources.
10/04 – 7/05 SAIC (Science Applications International Cooperation), Bothell, WA – USA
  Environmental Scientist and GIS Specialist. GIS services, aerial photo interpretation (land use interpretation) and mapping. Consultant in soil and groundwater remediation projects. Consultant for solid waste recycling projects for King County.
8/01 – 10/03 University of Stuttgart, Germany
Department of Landscape Architecture and Ecology
  GIS-expert and specialist in environmental planning and soil conservation. Leading GIS specialist for the “gimolus” project (Development of web based e-learning modules for environmental studies). Development and management of the geodatabase. Programming of GIS functions (ArcObjects) and coupling with model based calculations. Setup and maintenance of the web servers and web based GIS. Consulting and training of other employees in GIS.
6/00 – 7/01 GEF-RIS Inc., Leimen, Germany
  GIS consultant and programmer. Providing consulting and training to customers. Programming of GIS modules such as water supply and environmental management using a macro language. Participation in the conceptional development and advancement of GIS functionality of the software
4/98 – 4/00 University of Hohenheim, Germany,
Department of Soil Science and Land Evaluation
  GIS analyst and assistant project coordinator: Editing and coordination of the digital “Atlas of natural and agronomic resources of Niger and Benin” (West Africa). Created GIS based maps, database and the web site presentation. Instructor for Geography and GIS seminars for visiting scientists of cooperating organizations from Benin. Feasibility survey for the “Map of natural heavy metal content in soils of southern Germany” (State environmental protection agency)
9/97 – 8/98 Institute for Environmental Remediation and Protection, Inc.
Leonberg, Germany
  Consultant in soil and groundwater remediation projects. Including field work for surveying, sampling, analysis and remediation of contaminated sites (industrial sites, gas stations, waste disposal sites, etc.)
1/96 – 6/97 University of California at Berkeley, USA
Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management
  Research assistant in water use efficiency in soils: investigation on the impact of different kinds of organic compost on water use efficiency in agricultural soils. Teaching assistant for the course “Soils and their significance to society”
9/95 – 12/95 University of Stuttgart, Germany
Department of
Hydraulic Engineering and WaterManagement
  Research assistant: research study on steadiness of extreme discharge events of 13 streams in southwestern Germany. Evaluation of change in extreme discharge events over 80 years and its relation to climate change and urbanization
9/95 – 10/95 Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission (Landesdenkmalamt Baden-Württemberg) , Stuttgart, Germany
  Assistant in the archeological excavation of the medieval village of “Vöhingen”: Excavation, registration, documentation, surveying and mapping of medieval findings
1991 – 94 State Geological Survey (Geologisches Landesamt Baden-Württemberg), Freiburg,Germany
  Research assistant: field mapping of soils (1:25000 soil maps). Identification, classification and evaluation of soils. (Multiple appointments: 6/94-10/94; 5/93-7/93; 5/91-7/91)
10/93 – 2/94 University of Stuttgart, Germany, Geography Department
  Teaching assistant for graduate level soil mapping class (field)
9/93 University of Hohenheim, Germany,
Department of Soil Science and Land Evaluation
  Research assistant: field mapping of soils in an urban center (soil map of Stuttgart)
8/93 Institute for Land And Water Management (Instituut voor Land en Waterbeheer), Leuven, Belgium
  Intern: worked in landscape planning for a structural plan of Vlandern (1:100000) using air photos and GIS
5/92 – 9/92 Society for Regional Planning and Ecology, Inc. (Planungsgesellschaft für Raumordnung und Oekologie), Karlsruhe, Germany
  Intern: assisted in mapping and evaluating biotopes and vegetation in the field for landscape planning and environmental impact assessment
10/91 – 2/92 University of Stuttgart, Germany, Geography Department
  Research Assistant at the Soil Science Laboratory (research on Spitzbergen and Namibia)
University of California at Berkeley, Master of Science in Soil Science, May, 1997
Emphasis: Soil and environmental evaluation, agro-ecology, sustainable development ,GIS
University of Stuttgart, Germany, Master of Science in Geography, February 1995
Emphasis: Impact of human activities on natural environments, land use planning, environmental evaluation, geo-ecology
Minors in Geology, Soil Science, Landscape and Vegetation Ecology
Social Service
11/87 – 6/89 Municipal Hospital, Sindelfingen, Germany
  Worked as a nurse assistant on a surgery ward. Helped care for pre- and post- surgery patients
Computer Skills
GIS/maps QGIS, gvSIG, ArcGIS 10+9+8.X, MapServer, GeoServer, OpenLayers, Leaflet, MapBender, Geomoose
Databases PostgreSQL, PostGIS, MySQL, Oracle, SqlServer, MS Access,SQL
Graphics Photoshop, GIMP, Inkscape, Illustrator
Webpages HTML, CSS, Java Script, JQuery, PHP, Python
Other Libre Office, MS Office, Win10/ 8/ 7,Linux, Visual Basic, Bash, Microstation J, IDRISI, AML, ArcObjects
Language Proficiency Skills
English fluent (second language, 9 years in school, lived 2 years in California, living in Seattle since 2003)
German   perfect   (native language)
French good (5 years in school, multiple stays in France and french speaking African countries )
Spanish good (5 years in school, multiple stays in Spain and South America)
Further Interests
Basketball, Cycling, back country skiing, hiking, and photography